Tuition & Registration
Click Here for Current Tuition Rates
Priority Enrollment
During enrollment period, classes will be filled according to the following priorities:
- Currently enrolled child, sibling of currently enrolled child, returning families & alumni
- Families new to the Co-op
If more current families request a class than can be accommodated in the mixed age class formula, a lottery will take place. Placement in classes will also be determined by keeping in mind the ratio of different ages, gender, the number of siblings in the class, and the needs of the individual children. If desired, siblings will be selected as a unit.
Classes offered will be a T/Th class or M/W. A limited number of spots will be available in the M/T/W/Th class. In order for a child to benefit from their Co-op experience, they must attend full time (except when on vacation or other needs).
Registration is by U.S. Mail only. Forms will be available at the School House in a designated location on April 1. Registration forms are not mailed to families. You are responsible for obtaining your registration form.
2025 – 2026 Registration Form – PDF Download
Tuition and Registration Fees
An annual registration fee is charged for each child. This fee is to cover the costs of insurance, the opening of the school, processing of forms throughout the year, etc. This fee is non-refundable unless we are not able to accommodate your child at registration time. If the Membership Chair is given notice of a parent’s intent not to enroll in the school by June 1st and is able to fill the open space prior to the first day of school, a portion of the registration fee will be returned in mid-September. If a family withdraws after June 1st, none of the registration fee is refundable.
A registration fee needs to be received for each child enrolled — the fee is per child, not per family. For children entering after January 1, the fee is partially prorated.
Registration forms will not be accepted without the registration fee. No child (continuing or newly enrolled) can attend school until the registration fee has been received.
Registration forms will not be accepted from current or returning Co-op families who are not in good standing. Any outstanding fees, tuition, General Meeting or Adult Education “make-ups” must be settled before Registration.The school will charge service fee of $25.00 for any returned checks (i.e. “bounced” checks) This fee is for all returned checks (registration, tuition and payment in lieu of Work Parties) and is in addition to any bank fee.
Note: all fees must be paid in order to be eligible for the next year’s registration.
In order for a child to benefit from their Co-op experience, they must attend full time.Tuition is due on the 1st of the month and is delinquent if not received on or before the 10th day of that month. A $25.00 fine per child will be added to the late tuition. No more than one month’s delinquency will be allowed. Special arrangements for an Executive Board review will be made if payments are delinquent. Tuition is due in full each month despite any absences or school holidays. If you are in need of tuition assistance during the year, please contact the Director.
Any parent wishing to withdraw a child from the school must notify the student’s teacher 10 days prior to the beginning of the next month, or tuition will be charged. Half tuition will be charged for members attending half a month or less. If your vacation times coincide with regular school attendance, full tuition is still required.
A full month’s tuition will be charged for the months of September and December. No tuition is due for the month of June.
Monthly tuition rates will be established annually, by the Executive Board in April, and are to be based on budget needs and projected enrollment. Click Here for Current Tuition Rates.